Because every video-on-demand service needs an unauthorised blog

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Full-house: the Holy Grail of VOD

OK, I just made up that stuff about a full-house (where you have all of the peak-time shows from the service's parent channel, in our case Channel 4, on VOD) being the Holy Grail of VOD but it's not actually far from the truth. The point being that the user, not totally up with the rights and compliance complexity involved in putting a TV show into an on-demand environment, comes to expect everything carried on your channel to be there. So looking at the schedule stripe across the bottom of the above screenshot reveals that all of the peak-time programmes are available to watch. (Admittedly you would need to know that the paler blue colour and the fact that they have synopses on rollover designates that they are on the service, by hey, nobody and no VOD service is perfect). Not only that, the night before last and tonight have all the peak-time shows available too. Now, I just need to sort out the customers asking about The Simpsons and Friends.

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